Fette - Competence in Energy GmbH


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   © Fette - Competence in Energy GmbH

KRI® #107 - FRM-Smart Meter

Current smart meters are extremly flawed!

Hugh measurement errors - beyond any standard! But certified!
In the frequency range from 0 ... 150 kHz - with consequences for customers and customer solutions!
We discuss the algorithmic errors in detail!
Background for upcoming solutions!

December 11th, 2024 04:00 to 05:00 PM

Registration with this link!

KRI® #108 - Nonlinear Dynamics versus Power Quality

Webinar - We discuss the difference between measurement of system dynamics compared to Power Quality measurements
The actual load on the power grid and the devices is misjudged!
With fatal consequences!

December 11th, 2024 2:00 to 3.00 PM

➔  Informations about this Webinar

➔  Registration with this link!

Neue NELEV/EAAV - 2024 Anforderungen

Die Vorschriften NELEV und EAAV sind in Kraft und sind
ohne Übergangsfristen sofort umzusetzen!

Seminar/Webinar zur praktischen Umsetzung!

Termine werden kurzfristig angekündigt - bis auf weiteres
halten wir den Mittwoch für Webinare auf Grund der Nachfrage frei!

Individuelle Absprachen und Inhouse-Seminare/Webinare bitte getrennt absprechen.

Informationen, Inhalte und Anmeldung hier!

Weitere aktuelle Seminarthemen

Aus der Praxis für die Praxis - aber immer mit dem notwendigen Know-how über die Eigenschaften und das Verhalten nichtlinearer Systeme

Informationen, Inhalte und Anmeldung hier!

Aktuelle Studien und Reports

Hintergrundwissen und Systemlösungen für nichtlineare Systeme

Informationen und Downloads hier!

EWeRK/HSW-Online Fachseminar Regulierungsmanagement

Inhaltlich werden uns ausgewählte rechtliche Aspekte, technische Fragestellungen sowie handels- und steuerrechtliche Schnittstellenthemen und die operativen Anforderungen und Aufgabenstellungen beschäftigen.

06.06.2024 10.00 bis 15.15 Uhr

Informationen und Anmeldung hier!


   ... develops solutions for system management and system operation of energy systems that meet the future requirements with predominantly decentralized and converter-based plants.

Link   35 years of experience in research and development of nonlinear systems

Link   Over 800 man-years of development power in IT-systems, hardware and software solutions, algorithms, and analysis and evaluation methods - self-funded without third party rights or dependence

Link   Over 350 projects in more than 30 countries in industrial, distribution and transmission networks (AC and DC), to determine and assess system dynamics - usually when there have benn disturbances or destruction of equipment and networks, identifying causes and proposing solutions - evaluating theory and practice

Link   For more than 15 years permanent observation of the dynamics and change processes in the systems

Link   Over 100 projects for the development of customer-specific solutions

Link   Over 500 consulting projects


Aktuelle Informationen? Klicken Sie auf das Bild! Digital Nonlinear Power Systems - Solutions and Applications for digital nonlinear power systems - Our umbrella brand!

Aktuelle Informationen? Klicken Sie auf das Bild! Operational Reliability Center Applications

The operating system for Digital Nonlinear Power Systems - on the basis of IoT, with the direct support in the context of business values with the perspectives: Financial, Technical, Safety, Quality, Legal, Image, Environmental, Organizational and Efficiency.

Aktuelle Informationen? Klicken Sie auf das Bild! Key Reliability Indicators - - Complementary to known process KPI.

The apps and algorithms the system needs to detect and evaluate system behavior, change processes, and make decisions so that the system can continue to operate stably and securely now and in future - locally and globally - based on XAI - Explainable Artificial Intelligence - powered by Synergetics.

With intelligent coding of the measured or calculated values or patterns, so that only minimal data exchange about the change processes can be used...

...to avoid intensive - often pointless - data transfer!

Aktuelle Informationen? Klicken Sie auf das Bild! Digital Multifunctional Platform - Evaluation, Measuring, Control, Protection

The edge-based hardware platform that acquires the measured quantities in the entire frequency and time domain in time and frequency, indicators for single values or complex values or for complex dynamics based on nonlinear systems, can be used directly within control and protection algorithms locally or in hierarchically structured control and protection concepts.

Dual CyberSecurity can be achieved through intelligent coding of the measurement and evaluation variables in order to make "low cost" communication securele and reliable in the future.


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Der Systembaukasten.


... within VDE|FNN

- Member SC MV/LV-Grids
   deputy chairman
  (until 10-2018)

- Member PG TAR 4110

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   controller-behavior /
   subsystem stability;
   (until 03-2022)

- Mitglied EN European
   grid codes

- more ...


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