© Fette - Competence in Energy GmbH
Products, services and solutions for dynamically coupled, nonlinear systems
for design and operation in the transition to inverter-dominated systems.
Of course, this also works in current systems!
KRI® #107 - FRM-Smart Meter
Current smart meters are extremly flawed!
Hugh measurement errors - beyond any standard! But certified! In the frequency range from 0 ... 150 kHz - with consequences for customers and customer solutions! We discuss the algorithmic errors in detail! Background for upcoming solutions!
December 11th, 2024 04:00 to 05:00 PM
Registration with this link!
KRI® #108 - Nonlinear Dynamics versus Power Quality
Webinar - We discuss the difference between measurement of system dynamics compared to Power Quality measurements
The actual load on the power grid and the devices is misjudged! With fatal consequences!
December 11th, 2024 2:00 to 3.00 PM
➔ Informations about this Webinar
➔ Registration with this link!
Weitere aktuelle Seminarthemen
Aus der Praxis für die Praxis - aber immer mit dem notwendigen Know-how über die Eigenschaften und das Verhalten nichtlinearer Systeme
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Aktuelle Studien und Reports
Hintergrundwissen und Systemlösungen für nichtlineare Systeme
Informationen und Downloads hier!
Unsere Marken:
Informationen, Hintergründe und Erläuterungen
zu den Transitionsprozessen
hin zu digitalen, nichtlinearen und dezentral organisierten Systemen
mit neuen Dienstleistungen und Marktplätzen!
... within VDE|FNN
- Member SC MV/LV-Grids
deputy chairman (until 10-2018)
- Member PG TAR 4110
- Member EN
controller-behavior /
subsystem stability;
(until 03-2022)
- Mitglied EN European
grid codes
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